Sometimes I think Andy can do just about everything—and well, too. But there is one area in which he is sorely lacking. Here is how Andy recently opened a new cereal box:
And this was not a fluke! All boxes are fair game for his ravages, as are plastic bags, which are occasionally torn open through the middle rather than anywhere near the top. And envelopes? Don't get me started. I'm beginning to suspect that this is not his fault and just might happen to be one of the few things I'm good at naturally and he isn't. My reasons are these:
1. He is smart, so he's certainly aware that packages are meant to be opened a certain way and indeed operate better if opened that way.My other idea is that this is just another Guy Thing, like asking for directions in the car, folding towels the one-and-only correct way, reading instructions beyond the words "How to Assemble," or locating an item in the fridge. Sometimes I believe the genes for these traits are just not available on the Y-chromosome.
2. He's a quick study, so the many, many times I've demonstrated proper package-opening technique should have sunk in by now.
3. He's coordinated, so it's not a matter of being unable to work the little flaps and tabs.
4. He curses and mutters, "Mother of God!" while struggling with packaging, suggesting that he's aware that something's going awry.
Finally I'm catching up on some blog reading--you are a terrific writer, K!
But um, I have one question: Just what is the "one and only correct" way to fold towels??
have always wondered...8^)
Posted by: Charmaine | April 28, 2004 at 08:12 PM
Aren't men just weird sometimes.Like, my husband told me that I should lighten up when my 3 year old son had just lost the car keys to our brand new Alfo Romao.........
I told him that if he wants me to lighten up then he can go find the car keys!!!
Just saying hi,
Posted by: Celine | June 12, 2007 at 02:52 AM