Keep the drunk guy upright with your mouse! I've gotten him only 27 meters so far.
Any of you know German? What do the signs say?
I'll give it a try:
"START da drauf klicken": START -- click (over/on top of) here
Anleitung: Background. Click here and it says (I think!!): Homerun at Albanifest (Albanian party??) 2004. Die Wagenschenke ("wagon-bar") THE party tent at the biggest yearly town festival in Central Europe! Sunday morning, half past four, a long night with party, music, lots of cool people and not a few drinks. He tries yet again to master the way home. Help him do it! If he leans to the right, push your mouse to the left and vice versa. How far can you get him?
Wagenschenke: "wagon bar", like a camper van that sells alcoholic drinks.
Kostis, my e-mail to you bounced back: If you go that page and click on "unser ok" (??), you'll see photos of different people. Click on them to get their e-mail addies.
I'll give it a try:
"START da drauf klicken": START -- click (over/on top of) here
Anleitung: Background. Click here and it says (I think!!): Homerun at Albanifest (Albanian party??) 2004. Die Wagenschenke ("wagon-bar") THE party tent at the biggest yearly town festival in Central Europe! Sunday morning, half past four, a long night with party, music, lots of cool people and not a few drinks. He tries yet again to master the way home. Help him do it! If he leans to the right, push your mouse to the left and vice versa. How far can you get him?
Wagenschenke: "wagon bar", like a camper van that sells alcoholic drinks.
Karine (who took German in high school)
Posted by: Karine | June 25, 2004 at 08:03 AM
50 meters! But only after about 12 tries. Was laughing too hard to keep going.
Posted by: pam | June 25, 2004 at 03:36 PM
I got him 59 meters and it was on my touch pad which seemed easier than on my desktop with the regular mouse.
Posted by: susan | June 25, 2004 at 10:02 PM
does anyone knows the email address of those guys that have this,, as there web site ?
Posted by: kostis | February 24, 2005 at 12:08 PM
Kostis, my e-mail to you bounced back: If you go that page and click on "unser ok" (??), you'll see photos of different people. Click on them to get their e-mail addies.
Posted by: Karen | February 24, 2005 at 05:57 PM