Appetizer: What is something that never fails to grab your attention?
Cooking shows on TV.
Soup: Who was the last person who gave you money, and what was it for?
Andy gave me money to pay the cleaning woman yesterday.
Salad: If you were a Smurf, what would your name be?
A Smurf? Huh? Um, I guess Karen.
Main Course: Do you believe in astrology? Why or why not?
No, not much. I mean, how could everyone born in a 30-day period have the same personality? Or, if you're Chinese, everyone born in the same year??
Dessert: Have you seen any snow this year yet? What's the weather like today in your area?
Yup, we got a couple of inches in mid-November, and then we got a dusting overnight last night! It's gone now, but it was pretty cold and windy all day.