Guess what, the Origins people replied to my message about the typo! Here's their response, in part:
We appreciate your taking the time to let us know of the error which appears on our Last Straw Shampoo packaging. At Origins we strive for perfection in everything we do, and to this end, we are conscientious regarding the quality and accuracy of information accompanying our products. Despite our best efforts, there is that rare occasion, such as you have pointed out, when an error is undetected prior to manufacture. Your comments have been forwarded to the appropriate Origins executives, so that this matter may be addressed. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you.
I'm trying to think of any way in which the typo could have "inconvenienced" me (I wasted hot water as I spent an extra nanosecond in the shower contemplating it?), but I'm happy with the response all the same, particularly the correct use of the gerund ("your taking").
Looks as if I guessed wrong.
Posted by: Mquest | December 10, 2004 at 02:43 PM