Nina was talking about wearing a Scooby Doo bandaid to work—we parents always make sure we have plenty of cheerful bandaids for our kids' boo-boos, but we frequently forget to stock the plain ones for ourselves. Which is why I've been spotted at fancy soirees (ha!) with a Dora the Explorer bandaid on my finger. But here's what gets to me even more. All kids' bandaids (I mean BAND-AID® Brand Adhesive Bandages) cost the same, about $2.99. However, depending on which syndicated cartoon character your kids happen to like, you get different quantities of bandaids in the box. Still like Sesame Street? Good, 'cause you get a whopping 30 bandaids. Slightly older kids may prefer Dora, Blues Clues, Barbie, or Scooby; they get only 25 bandaids. But if your kids are into Batman, Spongebob, Spiderman, Jimmy Neutron, or Rugrats, you get a paltry 20 bandaids for that $2.99. But try to tell a Big Kid that s/he has to wear an Elmo bandaid and see how fast you buy the pricey ones.