Here's a fun little quiz for y'all!
1. It's Monday afternoon. It's pouring. It's time to pick up Steph and Pete at school. Julie is:
a. Sound asleep and must be awakened and dragged out into the driving rain.
b. Wide awake (no nap for me today, Mom!) and eager to go outside anyhow.
2. It's Tuesday afternoon. It's pouring. Steph and Pete had an early release day and are already home. Julie is:
a. Sound asleep, allowing me to have some "big kid" time with Steph and Pete.
b. Wide awake (no nap for me today, Mom!) and complaining that she can't go outside to play.
3. It's Wednesday afternoon. It's pouring. It's time to pick up Steph and Pete at school. Julie is:
a. Sound asleep and must be awakened and dragged out into the driving rain.
b. Wide awake (no nap for me today, Mom!) and eager to go outside anyhow.
Answers: 1. a 2. b 3. a
I may be going out on a limb here, but I think I know how the rest of the week is going to play out , too.
every week i need a nap game
Posted by: samaila | January 10, 2009 at 06:31 AM