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What if it just never stopped raining? 'Dja ever think of that?
then i think i would just kill myself. i despise the rain, and it's not supposed to be sunny or warm til like sunday... :(
Posted by: Jen | May 24, 2005 at 09:12 PM
Hang in there. California just got sunshine this week. It might even last for more than a few days this time. To date, we've logged more rain than Seattle this year.
Posted by: leah | May 24, 2005 at 10:43 PM
Rainy days have potential too.. I recently took a walk in the smoky mountains in a light rain.. it was beautiful!
Posted by: Dennis | May 25, 2005 at 01:07 PM
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then i think i would just kill myself. i despise the rain, and it's not supposed to be sunny or warm til like sunday... :(
Posted by: Jen | May 24, 2005 at 09:12 PM
Hang in there. California just got sunshine this week. It might even last for more than a few days this time. To date, we've logged more rain than Seattle this year.
Posted by: leah | May 24, 2005 at 10:43 PM
Rainy days have potential too.. I recently took a walk in the smoky mountains in a light rain.. it was beautiful!
Posted by: Dennis | May 25, 2005 at 01:07 PM