Appetizer: If someone made a statue of you, in which pose would you like to be?
Reading on the couch.
Salad: What perfume/cologne does your best friend wear?
I have absolutely no idea.
Soup: Name something satisfying about your work.
Knowing that I'm helping to populate the world with happy, well-adjusted, socially responsible people. (That would be my kids, for those of you following along at home.)
Main Course: What was the last excuse you made, and why did you need to make it?
Someone called the other night to do a phone survey; I lied and said we were eating dinner. Believe it or not, I really sort of like doing surveys, but I just wasn't in the mood at that moment—and far be it from me to hurt a stranger's feelings!
Dessert: Complete this sentence: I wonder why _________________.
Eric Stoltz isn't in more movies. We saw him in "2 Days in the Valley" last night and I was reminded how much I like him. After "Mask," I can remember him only from "The Water Dance," "Pulp Fiction," and recurring guest appearances on "Mad About You." I think he's really handsome and has always given good performances, so why doesn't he get more and bigger roles?
While I'm in the neighborhood, "2 Days in the Valley" was a strange movie, but not a completely unenjoyable one. Lots of fun, quirky performances—everyone was in it, from Keith Carradine to Marsha Mason to Danny Aiello to Jeff Daniels to Charlize Theron to James Spader to Louise Fletcher to Paul Mazursky to Teri Hatcher, and more—and a series of seemingly unrelated Altman-like storylines that somehow do end up connecting by the end. At first you wonder how many new characters you're going to have to meet before things start falling into place, but it does work out eventually. It reminded me a little of "Magnolia," but—thankfully!—it wasn't as drawn-out.
I too wonder why Eric Stoltz isn't in more movies. A couple of years ago I saw him in NYC, and was suprised (as is usually the case with most actors/actresses) how small he was - average height and very thin. I've always had a mini-crush on him though so it was pretty cool to see him.
Posted by: Jessie | November 11, 2005 at 09:34 AM
That's funny, because for a while there it seemed like Eric Stoltz was everywhere. Take a look at his IMDB file. I'm not saying all those movies were watchable, but he was still bringing home some paychecks.
I thought he was pretty good in "The House of Mirth" and on Chicago Hope.
Posted by: Mark | November 11, 2005 at 04:13 PM