When my renewed addiction to Squeeze began, I knew that I had long since lost or given away my old "Singles—45s and Under" LP and instead downloaded all the tracks from LimeWire. Which normally wouldn't make me feel bad, since I did already purchase their music; I just wanted it in a different format. But, perhaps because of the Glenn Tilbrook movie, I felt that I'd like to actually purchase the CD. Well, it just arrived, and some of the songs are a wee bit different from the originals. For instance, in "Goodbye Girl," I'm 100% positive he used to say, "My wife has moved to Jersey" and not "My wife has moved to Boston." And there's a sproingy sound at the end of it. Isn't that strange? I know it's been "remastered," but this seems to be a different recording, somehow.
I think you may have stumbled onto one of the minor differences between US and UK pressings of their tunes. BTW, you've got great musical tastes!!
Posted by: Loren | April 08, 2006 at 07:56 PM
I was a HUGE Squeeze fan in my teens and through college. And even after. And I always thought Glen Tilbrook had THE GREATEST pop voice of all time--barr none. Forget McCartney, forget Neil Finn, forget whoever. Tilbrook's voice was PERFECT.
But I always guessed that Difford was probably the heart and soul of the band, since he did most of the writing.
You know, kind of like Joe Strummer WAS the Clash, though Mick Jones had the better voice.
I saw that Glen Tilbrook documentary in your Netflix thing and just had to see it. And it was GREAT! I just loved the guy! He was terrific. And, even though I always thought he played well, I was blown away by just how good a musician he is.
And, yeah, even on the American vinyl, his wife went to Jersey. But I think that's the island. Not the state.
Posted by: ricky | April 09, 2006 at 08:10 PM