I just typed a long wordy rant about how I'm so busy lately that I barely have time to blog. Then the post got eaten by TypePad. Doesn't that just figure?
First off, it's fucking pouring rain again. Adorable.
I am just stretched to the limit these days. I still seem unable to say "No" to anyone who asks me to do something, so I find myself way overcommitted. There are all these end-of-the-school-year obligations that I have to prepare for and go to, plus parties and picnics I have to supply food for. I'm also in over my head work-wise; some other evil unreliable freelancer dogged my client, so I'm picking up the pieces for her. Saturday was the school fair, which was moved indoors to the gym because of—you guessed it!—rain; I was the Mistress of Tickets and just about blew a gasket running up and down those stairs for four hours. Then this week I had to sell 400 coupons for free slushies donated by our neighborhood deli; that was a ball. I cooked for the annual faculty luncheon yesterday (excellent recipe to be posted tomorrow!); Pete's last Little League game will be tomorrow (unless the rain never stops); I'm still scrambling to plan our Disney World trip; everyone needs new swimsuits; I'm only halfway through the book for Monday's book group meeting; the house is a pigsty; and on and on and on. . . .
I guess this is all by way of apologizing for what I recognize as more than a few lackluster blog posts of late; hang in there and I promise to be back in full force soon.
At the risk of sounding sucky, I really admire you, Karen. You're a good mother and a good citizen. I wish I was half the person you are.
Posted by: Susan Barr | June 15, 2006 at 12:31 AM
Hang in there, Karen. All these jobs have end dates, and then life will get better balanced again.
Posted by: pam | June 15, 2006 at 09:42 AM