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June 26, 2006



Didn't you review Zatoichi once before?? I thought I remembered you saying you liked it. I know I liked it. In spite of how cheesy and schlocky it was.


Nope, never saw it. In fact, I think you're the one who told me to put it in my queue! We've seen a lot of similar movies, though.


See? I told ya. I cannot watch that film without bawling my eyes out at some point. Apparently while Ms. Goldfarb was telling Harry how lonely she was, the camera drifted a little to the side, and when the director went to see what the heck the cinematographer was doing, he found him crying - and he left that take in the film. Yes, I own it, and I LOVE the Kronos Quartet part of the soundtrack. Perhaps I am a masochist.

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