In case you ever need to make a seven-year-old boy laugh a lot, here's the trick:
Knock Knock!
Who's there?
Interrupting cow.
Interrupting c—
He can be the knocker or the knockee, it doesn't matter. He will laugh. Again and again and again and again. Just trust me on this one.
It's really cute and fun when kids start getting jokes. As soon as they tell a joke, they say, "Get it?" and start explaining it, regardless. Up until that point, they just plain think it's funny to make up jokes (particularly Knock Knock jokes), regardless of whether they make any sense. (Think "No soap—radio!") Julie's still at that stage.
Not havng kids of my own, nor a large family, one of the big surprises for me was when my group of kids (especially the 9 - 11 year olds) gets together they are all about telling jokes. I plan on springing that one on them tonight.
Posted by: jo | November 29, 2006 at 01:17 PM