This site is similar to one I posted about last month; you plug in your ZIP code and out pops all kinds of statistical info about your community. But this one comes with lists! I love lists! Who'da thunk that 8 of the top 20 Least Racially Diverse Cities would be in Pennsylvania, or that 31 of the top 100 Safest Cities were right here in Mass.? Can you name the 10 Biggest Cities in the U.S. (population-wise)?
As I'm sure most people who read your blog would, I knew that N.Y, L.A. and Chicago had to be the big three. I figured Houston was up there too and then after that it was a toss up. Where I was completely ignorant was regarding just how much bigger N.Y. is than any other city. Wow!
Posted by: Susan | November 27, 2006 at 11:30 PM