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December 02, 2006



I'm really tempted. If I try, I'll let you know!


My oven is heating up as I type this. I made the dough a little too wet, though, and tried to compensate with flour later on. I think it will be OK. It smells great.

This reminds me of the Tassajara Bread Book and the sponge method (where you start our with a wet dough called a sponge.)

There is a texture I've always wanted to get from my bread that I've never quite achieved. I'm hoping this method gives me what I've been missing.


I'm in the second rise right now and getting all excited. I'm using all-purpose flour b/c that's what I had and found that 1 5/8c water left a dry dough. So I added some water (too much) and then more flour and I think I got it right, but we'll see. Thanks for the tip on the Le Creuset handle - I'll put mine back on :-).


Holy cats - it's wonderful! The best loaf of bread I've ever made, hands down, and absolutely delicious. Can't wait to try again with some whole wheat flour. Woo hoo!


We had great success with this bread, and I appreciate the fact that you brought the addendum to my attention. I am glad to know about the knob on the Le Creuset, but a #8 cast-iron skillet lid will fit well on that pot, too, too. Hey, by the way, you might want to double-check the spelling of "artisanal."

I am liking your recipes v. much, by the way.


Thanks, Wendy!

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