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March 19, 2007



I limit my lists of favorites to those read since I had a choice about what I was reading. That eliminates books read in high school and college (I was an English Lit major). Then I further limit it to those books I have read since I began my book journal and ranking system in 1997.

So, needless to say, my list is much more contemporary. But how can you really compare a classic like Madame Bovary with a contemporary masterpiece like A Fine Balance?

I did a blog recently on my top books from 2006:

Maybe for my BAFAB book give-away contest I will put together my top ten since 1997. Ten years of reading...Wow!


Are you still thinking about your list? I don't even know where to begin...


Oh, dear. Writers list their fav books? I'm a writer, and none of those would make my list. Wait! How DARE I say that! I've never READ any of those books!

Why do people think writing is about about fiction? Anyone can write fiction. It takes a REAL writer to make REALITY interesting, like you do in this blog!

But, here's MY list. These are books that are STILL on my bookshelf in spite of many decluttering parties over the years. I hold on to these:

1. For Writers Only, by Sophie Burnham.
2. A Writer's Book of Days, by Judy Reeves.
3. Gift of a Letter, by Alexandra Stoddard.
4. Chicago Manual of Style, by The University of Chicago Press.
5. 10,000 Ideas for Term Papers, Projects, Reports, and Speeches, by Katherine Lamm (never suffer writer's block again!).
6. anything by Lee Silber.
7. Daring to be Yourself, by Alexandra Stoddard. OK, anything by Alexandra Stoddard!
8. On the Road, by Jack Kerouac.
9. anything by Robert (Bob) W. Bly
10. Muffins and Quick Breads, by Williams-Sonoma.

Fiction is for those who can't handle reality.

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