The PersonalDNA test reminds me of the venerable Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, a personality assessment I took many years ago at a management training seminar. I can't recall what "type" I ended up as, but I do remember thinking that it was pretty accurate. (I also remember agonizing over a choice between the words mercy and justice. Oy, don't get me started.)
This test has way-cool functionality with sliding bars and such. Lots more fun than filling in ovals with a #2 pencil. I turned out to be a Benevolent Analyst. If you let your mouse hover over the various bars on this graph, you'll see how it breaks down:
You can also read my full report here, if you are so inclined.
Oh, and despite the name of the test, there are no body fluid samples required.
i received the exact same response....rather amusing.
Posted by: jo | July 20, 2007 at 06:39 PM
Benevolent Idealist.
Posted by: Susan | July 20, 2007 at 10:13 PM
I think I may be your opposite - Behold the Respectful Artist!
Posted by: Joel | July 20, 2007 at 10:14 PM
I'm an advocating leader, which I find amusing as I lead absolutely no one.
But I'm particularly interested in finding out that despite scoring very high on compassion, I'm much more masculine than feminine. Huh.
Posted by: Mir | July 21, 2007 at 04:41 PM
"Crappy Mother." Haha. Okay, I got Reserved Leader. All I lead is children and cats. Go figure.
That was fun.
Posted by: mommyralf | July 23, 2007 at 11:57 PM