Today I tried Pilates for the first time—a mat-based class, not the Reformer thingy. Some of the moves were very easy for me; others were not so much difficult as impossible for me to do! Pilates is supposed to be the best overall approach to core-strengthening, so maybe I can do it once a week or so to build up my core. It's also the sort of thing that I could conceivably do on my own once I have a solid understanding of proper form. (Except that I never exercise on my own. Whoops, forgot about that.) Anyhow, I have a feeling I'll have a very sore core tomorrow because I really felt it burning today.
I'm trying to find a balance of workouts that will keep me interested (and fit, of course). I'm having trouble figuring out a way to do cardio three times a week as Dr. Stern recommends; so perhaps I'll end up liking the spinning enough to do it once or twice a week, and then I can get back to the stupid old elliptical machine. (If anyone is about to suggest that I take up running, you can save yourself the keystrokes. Not gonna happen.) The classes offered at my gym are limited, and the days/times don't always work for me, so a friend suggested we check out the class schedules at the other two local gyms in this chain to see whether we can fill in the gaps there.
I'm very impressed with your commitment to exercise. It's so easy to push it aside. I like spinning a lot; pilates is better than yoga in that it doesn't put me into deep REM sleep and does do the core-thing. I swore I would never run. In the name of speeding my workout up I do sometimes alternate walking and running on the treadmill. I usually forget to wear the proper "support" and don't run because I don't want to frighten the others. Even a 30 second run every five minute really gets the heartrate up. So, I didn't save my keystrocks....
Posted by: Liz | July 20, 2007 at 09:34 PM
Well, it's still a dreaded chore and one I would give up in a second if there were a "quick fix" available. I did yoga for a long time, but I didn't feel I was getting enough out of it in terms of "real exercise" -- that is, it was great for flexibility and all that, but I really need to focus on the big three: cardio for heart health, weight-bearing exercise to ward off osteoporosis, and SOMETHING, ANYTHING for my squishy torso. Sigh.
Posted by: Karen | July 21, 2007 at 09:45 AM
How did you know I was going to suggest running? Sure, my knee hurts me and my hips hurt me and I have a little ankle issue, but it is by far the best exercise I know for losing weight/fat.
Posted by: steve | July 23, 2007 at 03:31 PM
I am such a spaz, I would surely get injured my first day out. I also think I'd be bored. I also think I'd cheat.
Posted by: Karen | July 24, 2007 at 11:29 AM