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August 13, 2007



That used to be one of my pet peeves when my kids were younger. You go to see a PG or PG-13 movie, then they show all of these inappropriate previews! I took my kids, who are 13 and 15, to see The Bourne Ultimatum, which is PG-13, and they showed several previews for R-rated movies. I think it's just awful!


When we saw Ratatouille, rated G, they had previews for the Harry Potter flick, rated PG-13 (which we all thought was way too scary), and also for The Nanny Diaries (not sure what it is rated, but is that even considered a family movie?!?).


It's not just at the theatres unfortunately. We can't sit through a Sox game on ESPN without numerous nightmare-inducing horror flick trailers. We've started keeping the remote at the ready between innings.

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