Remember PostSecret (which I blogged about more than 2 years ago, and it's still going strong!)—the place where people can anonymously reveal their deepest, darkest secrets? Some are goofy ("My ex would leave toenail clippings on my nightstand. I cooked them in his mac and cheese.") and some are really upsetting ("If I'm pregnant, I'm going to kill myself."), but all are fascinating (to me, anyhow).
Well, stay with me, because some cutting-edge minds have created lolsecretz, described as "the meeting of two of the Internet's most famous memes: PostSecret and LOLcats." The entries range from adorable to hilarious to really clever to pretty damn poignant.
I have a blog that will post on Wednesday about the toenails in the mac and cheese thing. Loved it!
Posted by: Di | October 01, 2007 at 08:58 AM