1. Contact may cause hugging and/or kissing. (Do you hug and kiss people? I do. Most people are OK with hugging, but sometimes I automatically go in for the kiss and the other person does not, so I end up kind of kissing their neck, which is awkward.)
2. The parties hereto do mutually agree that changing the clocks twice a year is ridiculous! Let's just pick Daylight Savings Time or Standard Time and stick with it all year. I'm sure you've all read that the anticipated energy savings have not even been realized. I'm still not quite adjusted to that one stupid hour I lost early Sunday morning. And, as someone recently brought up, why does the lost hour have to come out of our precious weekend slumber? Why not do it, say, on a Tuesday, shortly after lunch—or, better yet, on a Friday at 4pm! "Hey, everyone, suddenly work's over and it's time for a drink!"
3. Disney parks are where my kids want to go on vacation.
4. Spring sounds really good right about now!
5. I positively can't wait for my cookbook project to begin (it's been delayed about 10 days now) .
6. Jon Stewart always makes me smile :-)
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to seeing Andy (he's been in New York), tomorrow my plans include nothing in particular (and that's a good thing), and Sunday, I want to pick up my CSA meat share!
I am definitely a hugger/kisser. Most of my friends are, too. I even have straight-guy friends who will kiss greetings on the lips!
Posted by: steve | March 14, 2008 at 09:44 AM