OK, I guess I will say one more thing about Eliot Spitzer. Only a true book lover could think of something like this:
Memo to Eliot Spitzer
If you spent the $4,300 you were alleged to have spent on the night of February 13th on books, you could have bought 172 hardcover books at an average price of $25.
If, as rumored, you spent $80,000 on escort services over the past decade, you could have bought 3,200 hardcover books at an average price of $25.
If you bought the books in state, none would have had to cross state lines to get to you.
If you bought them online, they may have crossed state lines and yes, you may not have paid tax, but it still would be legal.
These books could have been about sex. There are at least 172 books about sex. I am sure there also are 3,200. If these books were trade paperbacks, double this number.
If you did this, you still would be governor.
Just something to ponder.
Personally, I much prefer books, but Eliot evidently has other proclivities!
Posted by: Margaret | March 13, 2008 at 11:49 PM
Hah! :)
I am sure Spitzer has been long out of touch with his Inner Reader.
Posted by: mommyralf | March 14, 2008 at 07:57 AM
If I had to decide which to live without for the rest of my life, sex or books, I'm pretty sure sex would go. No. I'm positive.
The spicy nuts were great!!! However, one Cantina-ite was observed carefully wiping the spices off the nuts she ate.
Posted by: Di | March 15, 2008 at 10:20 AM