1. Some very clever person built an Etch-a-Sketch clock. Every minute it draws the numbers for the correct time and then erases it. Want.
2. Do you recognize these names: Don Nadie, Ivan Horvat, Matti Meikäläinen, Pinco Pallino, Koos van der Merwe, and Hans Mustermann? Those are common versions of "John Doe" in Argentina, Croatia, Finland, Italy, South Africa, and Switzerland, respectively. Check out the very extensive list here, which could come in handy if you should ever find yourself working in a morgue in a foreign country.
3. A friend asked me if I was going to weigh in on the Eliot Spitzer debacle. I think not (other than to say that I'm hugely disappointed). But I will close with this truly excellent quote:
CNN said it shouldn't have used a former U.S. attorney who quit his job after allegedly biting a stripper as an analyst about New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer's prostitution scandal.
Gee, ya think? Not even The Onion could have come up with something that good.