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September 15, 2008



Scary indeed:
Frank Rich Op-ed: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/09/14/opinion/14rich.html?hp

"Palin, who lies with ease about her own record, misrepresented Pegler’s too. He decreed America was “done for” after Truman won a full term in 1948. For his part, Truman regarded the columnist as a “guttersnipe,” and with good reason. Pegler was a rabid Joe McCarthyite who loathed F.D.R. and Ike and tirelessly advanced the theory that American Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe (“geese,” he called them) were all likely Communists.


It was also exposed in that notorious commie-pinko rag The Wall Street Journal:
(If you get a paywall, email me and I'll use my subscriber mojo to send you the text.)


I would sure like this to cause the outrage that it should, but Palin can seem to do NO wrong. She is anti-abortion, so she will always be OK with certain people, no matter her intelligence, her record, her opinions, etc...It really makes me despair, Karen.


The problem is that many women who are voting for Palin/McCain are doing so on the basis of isolated issues, like abortion and taxes. I might have been one of those people in the past, but we can't afford that sort of simplistic thinking this time around. Imagine!! Didn't Thomas Friedman write a column about the way stupidity is taking over?


Karen, I completely agree that, if Obama made a similar speech to the one you quoted, the media would be all over it and EVERYONE would know who Pegler is.

Sadly, I think we all know that the majority of people who are susceptible to the specious arguments (and outright lies) of the McCain/Palin ticket do NOT read the NY Times, the Wall Street Journal, or perhaps anything for that matter. Anything except maybe the Bible.

There is so much stupidity and hypocrisy flying around this campaign that I am utterly nonplussed.

If one of Barack and Michelle Obama's daughters was pregnant and not married, do you think the American press and American people would have the same reaction as they do to Palin's pregnant daughter?

Call me a cynic, but if a 17-year-old pregnant Black girl walked out on the stage of a national political convention, you can bet there would be a much different response.

I must believe that the fallout of the lies and just plain ridiculousness on the part of the McCain campaign will eventually open the eyes of those rubes who seem so enamored with the distortions and fabrications spewing forth currently.

I just hope it happens BEFORE the election.




This may explain why she didn't answer questions about her favorite periodicals; titles like 'Uppity Nigras Say The Darndest Things' and 'Season's Swankiest Klan Robes' may unsettle extremist left-wing voters

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