Thanksgiving was lovely yesterday. As disappointed as I was to not be hosting this year, I actually got to relax and hang out with my relatives more than I usually do, and that was really nice. I am sorely missing out on all the leftovers today, though! I do so look forward to a bowl of stuffing and gravy for lunch on the day after Thanksgiving.
But ... I'll be getting my chance in December! Remember that D'Artagnan turkey I won? Well, I've decided to use it for a belated Thanksgiving feast for Andy's sister and kids when they come in from London in a few weeks. Isn't that a great idea? It'll be only 10 people total, so not as much work as usual—and the market won't be mobbed the day before, either, so it'll feel a little more leisurely.
Perfect idea. I could eat turkey at least once a week. I love it!
Posted by: Margaret | November 28, 2008 at 08:36 PM