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February 07, 2009



That sounds great. I wish they had a link to similar organizations in other cities--especially since part of the appeal is that it is local.


This is a wonderful site and I'm so glad you're helping to spread the word. And glad you survived your Walgreens/AOL dust-up! Good for you.


LOVE this site. My husband and I gave each kid $500 to spend on charity this year (as a xmas gift), and my daughter has already sponsored a child in the dominican republic, but the boys haven't found anything that piqued their interest...until this site. Hands-on, direct results...right up the alley of two adolescent boys. Thanks, Karen!


There is another great site www.donorschoose.org which has a similar approach to donating to teacher's projects in low income schools. Teachers list a project like new paints for an art class. You can fund all or part of a project. For my daughter's birthday in 4th grade, we donated a set of books to a 4th grade classroom and made it a gift from her class instead of buying cheap gifts to hand out to her classmates.

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