I recently came across the site for a Boston-based charitable organization called Small Can Be Big, whose mission is to connect donors with needy recipients in a very direct and quantifiable way. Here's how it works: The site lists specific people who need specific amounts of money in order to achieve specific goals. Anyone who wants to help can donate any amount of money (even $5, because we all know that every little bit helps) toward that cause.
For instance, a woman had her abusive husband removed from their home, but he took all their savings; she now needs $600 in back rent to prevent her and her daughters from being evicted. As of this blog post, they've received $210 toward that $600. Another example: This boy needs $2000 to buy a wheelchair as he awaits a bone marrow transplant to fight his leukemia ($316 raised so far).
And guess what? It works! Look at this example of a woman who owed $2,227 after her unpaid maternity leave—success!
I love this model of giving. So often we feel discouraged that we can't possibly make a difference, or enough of a difference, in anyone's life. Or we wonder where our donations are really going—to feed a hungry child or to an organization's operating costs? With Small Can Be Big, you could actually be the one who donated the final $10 that helped a family buy a car or get their own apartment. And, as you know, I'm all about "think globally, act locally," so I love the idea of helping people in my own community.
I'm off to find me some families to help. Hope you'll consider doing the same. Anyone know whether similar programs exist in other cities?
Update: I just made my first few donations! I was pleased to discover that all payments go through Google Checkout, so you know they're secure. Easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy, so what are you waiting for?
That sounds great. I wish they had a link to similar organizations in other cities--especially since part of the appeal is that it is local.
Posted by: Elena | February 07, 2009 at 03:39 PM
This is a wonderful site and I'm so glad you're helping to spread the word. And glad you survived your Walgreens/AOL dust-up! Good for you.
Posted by: Cathy | February 07, 2009 at 04:21 PM
LOVE this site. My husband and I gave each kid $500 to spend on charity this year (as a xmas gift), and my daughter has already sponsored a child in the dominican republic, but the boys haven't found anything that piqued their interest...until this site. Hands-on, direct results...right up the alley of two adolescent boys. Thanks, Karen!
Posted by: amy | February 07, 2009 at 09:36 PM
There is another great site www.donorschoose.org which has a similar approach to donating to teacher's projects in low income schools. Teachers list a project like new paints for an art class. You can fund all or part of a project. For my daughter's birthday in 4th grade, we donated a set of books to a 4th grade classroom and made it a gift from her class instead of buying cheap gifts to hand out to her classmates.
Posted by: Devora | February 08, 2009 at 09:06 AM