I finally got that new project off my desk today! It was really enjoyable and rewarding to work on, and I look forward to being able to tell you what it was about (I'll have to ask the client when it's safe to divulge).
While I was in deadline mode, I sorely neglected my family, my house, and my many other obligations—one of which is to provide you with all kinds of interesting little tidbits that I find around the Web (although if you follow me on Twitter, you probably saw most of these). So, without further ado:
- Things we wish we could say on Facebook. (via @leighhouse)
- Look, nothing but photos of Tic-Tacs stuck in their little boxes.
- I think I would retch if I had to drink my tea out of this mug.
- "It Made My Day: Little Moments of WIN."
- Lucinda Williams got married onstage at a recent concert!
- Wowee, a map of Enfield as it exists in Infinite Jest, superimposed on the real map of Boston. (Warning: If you haven't read the book and plan to, the annotations on the map do contain some plot spoilers.)
- Speaking of Twitter, I check in here once or twice a day to scan the "most favorited" (sorry) tweets. There's some really funny stuff. Here was my own funniest tweet yesterday, which somehow did not make the leaderboard (harumph):
(For the record, I don't favorite tweets, but apparently lots of people do. I also don't use favorite as a verb in real life.)
Congratulations to Lucinda. I've been wondering when she'd get around to it. When people use the word "fiance" for too long, it starts to sound weird.
I've had almost all those thoughts about Facebook and certain of my friends and acquaintances. Especially with respect to the endless "Which Princess Bride Character Are You?" sort of quizzes and any reference whatso ever to the #@^&* Twilight books.
Posted by: Wendy | September 25, 2009 at 01:45 PM