Yesterday at about 5:30, I felt that tiny hint of a pinprick in my throat that means I'm about to get sick. I quickly assaulted my system with zinc lozenges, Cold-Eez lozenges, homeopathic cold tablets, and homeopathic cold liquid, but to no avail. I had a horrible night's sleep, with a thickly coated yet burning throat.
And that's how I rang in the New Year! L'shanah tovah to all who are celebrating! We always wish everyone a happy and healthy year, but I will have to begin the "healthy" part in a few days.
For the first time ever, we went to the Family Service at our temple, which was blessedly short—since by that time my throat was fine, but I had entered the runny nose stage. Yes, I was that annoying lady who kept sneezing and blowing her nose during the Sh'mah. On the way in, I said to the rabbi, "I thought of you this morning! I was imagining what if I were the rabbi or cantor and woke up sick on Rosh Hashanah!" He said, "It happens. You know what we do? We just do it." It's not like rescheduling a meeting or something.
We had a lovely meal at Lauren's, although I really felt crappy and my head was pounding. I made a nice apple cake from a recipe Janet gave me, but I'll have to share it with you another day because I'm going to go curl up on the couch with the Sox now.
Hope you're better soon. I hate feeling sick for big events because you really can't reschedule the date!!
Posted by: Margaret | September 19, 2009 at 08:32 PM
John gets sick more often than I do, and it seems it ALWAYS hits during a holiday, long weekend, or vacation. It's pretty much predictable! In fact, as we speak, he's coughing. And coughing. And coughing...(oh, I have some sympathy, but mostly it's a good thing I never went into the health care field!)
Posted by: Tonya | September 19, 2009 at 10:35 PM
I'm sorry you're not feeling well. I hope it passes quickly.
Posted by: Naomi | September 20, 2009 at 09:21 PM
Hope you're feeling better!
I definitely want that apple cake recipe. I bought one from Whole Foods in desperation last Friday and it was AWFUL! In fact, for the first time ever, I actually returned the cake.
Posted by: Rachel | September 21, 2009 at 09:58 AM