We did a massive cleanup before Thanksgiving, which meant that afterward we had to locate all the stuff we'd stashed in out-of-the-way places. Lunchboxes? Broom closet. Pizza stone? Sunporch. But one thing never turned up: our Skip-Bo game, which Julie and I play at least once every day. No exaggeration. We looked everywhere. I even offered a cash reward. Yesterday I finally broke down and bought a new one, figuring that I would immediately find the old one. But no, it still hasn't surfaced.
I just looked up Skip-Bo on Wikipedia and was delighted to learn that it's really just a packaged version of Spite and Malice, which is an old card game we used to play all the time when we were kids. I'd forgotten all about it, but now I know why I love Skip-Bo so much!
Update 5/4/13: This post is attracting lotsa spambots, so comments are now closed.
So glad I am not the only one who cleans up that way.....some things have NEVER surfaced!
Posted by: Mo | December 02, 2009 at 06:11 PM