By far the best thing that happened to me today was discovering Nic Cage As Everyone, a blog in which some amazingly talented Photoshoppers turn Nic Cage into, well, everyone. For instance, Dwight Schrute:
or Sarah Palin:
or Abraham Lincoln:
Awesome, huh? Thanks to Pammybean for this one.
And it's a Pammybean two-fer, because she also dedicated today's installment of Girls With Slingshots to me and Fritinancy. Very funny and fitting for us wordsmiths.
Made my day...(Almost as good as your delicious pumpkin bread, which I happened to make today.)
Posted by: Sandy | January 04, 2010 at 11:01 PM
I, in fact, used the wrong "your" in a text this morning and worse, it was to a teacher, no less. Hanging head in shame and slinking away to a lonely place....
Posted by: Kelly | January 05, 2010 at 11:29 AM