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January 05, 2010



Can I make reservations for a table for four at 6 PM??? LOL.


I'm making this: http://www.thewednesdaychef.com/the_wednesday_chef/2009/01/melissa-clarks-roasted-broccoli-with-shrimp.html.

Don't know if your kids will eat it, but you and the hubby should try it. You look at it and you think it's no big deal, but then you try it and you want to eat about 47 pounds of it.


I had leftover roast chicken, sweet potato and wild mushroom gratin, and shredded brussell sprouts with pine nuts and garlic.

But you mention eating the leftover steak for lunch ... what do you put in the kids' lunch boxes? Could you feature some lunch box ideas?


Don't laugh, but tonight we happened to have your recipe for stir-fry steak with pea pods & cashews in hoisin (added some water chestnuts)-- my second verbatim recipe this week! It's a big hit in our house.


Planning on cooking your ribs this weekend. Hubs doesn't like corn bread, though. (Who in the WORLD doesn't like corn bread? Gah!)


Re lunch boxes: I learned some time ago that my kids don't necessarily need an "entree," so I usually pack a variety of foods (some or all of these): a chunk of cheese, some crackers, a box of raisins, a bag of goldfish, a clementine, a yogurt cup, a mini bagel with peanut butter or cream cheese, a few baby carrots, a bag of dry cereal, etc. Only occasionally do I pack an actual turkey wrap or other "main course." Then again, my kids also frequently buy school lunch, be it pizza or "Breakfast for Lunch" (yogurt, cereal, string cheese, apple).

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