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February 08, 2010



Holy moly. I thought this wasn't going to be a fancy party! I'm on cloud nine just reading the menu!


Karen, this is incredible! And it really DOES sound like it was the "Party of the Century." What a remarkable woman. I got tears in my eyes when I read about her presenting you with your favorite drink when you arrived! Such a huge variety of foods with hors d'oeuvres AND the meals to suit the kids AND adults! And yes, my mouth it totally watering.

I'll bet it's been hard for Steph to come back down to earth after all that!


I guess what I meant about "Party of the Century" was having it at a fancy hotel, having a band, having 200 people, having tons of flowers, having a light show (yes, people do that!), etc. This was a modest party by local standards, except for the food -- which I was willing to totally splurge on! SO worth it. :-)


This sounds absolutely amazing!!! What a wonderful menu!


I'm salivating just reading your menu. What a fun, lovely night you all had!


Where was the party? Sounds fabulous! Mazel tov. The glow lasts a while - enjoy!!


It sounds utterly amazing, very gourmet. I wish I'd been invited! :)

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