Yes, I'm still here, and all is well, but there just aren't enough hours in the day anymore. I spent most of Memorial Day swimsuit shopping with Steph. I won't say any more about that. (As someone on Twitter quipped, "The hardest two years in a woman's life are when she turns 13 and when her daughter turns 13.") We finally lucked out at the Watertown Marshall's, of all places. Then I dropped her at the pool where Andy and Pete and Julie were already splashing about so I could go home and work. Today Julie stayed home from school with the same thing Pete had last week (a mild tummy ache and a low fever). Although I did get some work done while she watched TV, it wasn't quite as productive a day as I needed it to be. Tonight was Steph's chorus concert, after which she announced that she didn't feel well, so I fear she'll be the one on the couch with the remote tomorrow. Today I also filled out all the endless camp forms, paid some bills, and ignored the dirty laundry everywhere. Hoping to sleep through the night tonight—last night the thunder was so loud it nearly knocked me out of my bed.
Your life absolutely fascinates me, Karen. I guess that's why this idea of a blog is so entertaining to us out here. Sometimes I feel a bit like a cyber stalker reading all about people's stuff this way. Still not totally used to the intimacy of the internet. Like I'm in your diary or something. So fun. And yet so weird. I do really enjoy "meeting" people all over the country and chatting with them though. It makes the world a tiny bit smaller. In a good way.
Posted by: Laura | June 02, 2010 at 02:33 AM
ditto from laura! and thanks for sharing!!
Posted by: jude | June 02, 2010 at 06:51 AM
Back when my daughter was 13 I wrote a letter to the editor proposing a child swap for shopping. Nobody would dare give another adult the kind of nonsense she'd give her own mom. I still think it's a good idea. I'll never even get to see the payback I was hoping for. My daughter has 2 sons.
Posted by: jwg | June 02, 2010 at 05:54 PM