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May 28, 2012


Algot Runeman

Of course, you could always move to California. A meteorologist once wrote that he hated doing the weather there. It was just too easy.

There's the old adage of New England, "If you don't like the weather, wait a minute." That makes me happy, even though I'm just the most amateur of weather watchers. We get it all. Clear and beautifully cool, hot and muggy, hot and dry, hot and wet; cold and clammy, cold and snowy, cold and... You get the picture.

Be honest, would you give that up?


Although your kid had reached the age of 10, you should not allow her to swim all by herself. Did you know that drowning is the second cause of children's death?


Hi Val, I should've made this clear -- it's a club pool staffed by lifeguards at all times! I just meant that she's allowed to be there without me. I would never let any of my kids swim alone! Thanks for the opportunity to clarify this.

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