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June 10, 2012



Mazel tov!


I am so pleased for you all. Such a sweet tribute to your son, and boy, what a handsome family in general! Mazel tov!


I totally forgot that Pete stutters. Sounds like it didn't matter one whit. Mazel tov!!


Now you've got ME crying! What a beautiful ceremony.


Mazel tov, Karen! Sounds like a fabulous day.


I teared up reading this! It sounds like a huge day of wonderful.


it really was the most special day! both of the boy there had faced challenges some of us will never know the depth of. and they performed and geve of themselves and we all benefited from seeing that.
the setting was so magical, with the music in the round inside and then outside in the trees. like a rennaisance festival. with lots of old souls hanging around , i think.


Mazel Tov! What a beautiful post you wrote.

Sharon Hofmann

Glad it was a wonderful day. Sounds like you have a very special son. I grew up Catholic and really love hearing from you and my Jewish friends about your special traditions.

Erin Brenner

Congrats to Peter! Karen, you and Andy have so much to be proud of!

Rachel K

Congrats! What a handsome boy! Of course he has a girlfriend! Our first Bar Mitzvah is next April. Your son Pete sounds a lot like my son Ethan. I can't wait. Our tutoring starts in August. Bring it on!


Girlfriend? Not a shock. Look at him.


My goodness, tears indeed. I am reaching for the Kleenex here, too. I'm so proud of Pete! And you and Andy! Your description was so touching, it sounds like it was wonderful. But that photo...I can't believe how grown-up your kids look. You have a beautiful family. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!


Mazel tov! What a great day for your whole family. And ohmygawd Pete is handsome. He got the best features of both of you.


Mazel Tov! The best part about our kids growing up is that their accomplishments make us so proud! Your family is gorgeous! Congratulations!


Congratulations! Your pride shines through the words.

Linda Marino

Karen, Andy, and beautiful family,
I am so happy to be a part of this. You guys got it right!!!!!!!
Love, Linda

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